Superstar Rajinikanth’s next film to hit the screens is Arasan - The Don. In 1991 released hindi film starring Rajinikanth is being dubbed in Tamil. The film titled "Khoon Ka Kaarz" is renamed as Arasan in Tamil.
Movie Name : Arasan [The Don]
Release Date : 20, March 2009
Actors : Superstar Rajinikhanth, Sanjay Dutt, Vinod Khanna, Dimple Kapadia, Sarika and Sangeeta Bijalani
The Arasan movie BGM and songs are made in the Qube UFO format and have been remixed in 5.1 DTS Surround Sound. The film has been cleared by the Censor Board and will hit the screens across Tamil Nadu during 20th of March. After watching the preview screening at the Bharani Theater recently, the distributors are said to be competing with each other to acquire the rights.